Times of transition can leave you feeling as if the rug has been pulled out from under you. You're left feeling unsteady and uncertain, struggling to find your way in the midst of the upheaval. Journal writing can help you cope during these difficult periods. Journal writing offers an opportunity to take a step back and reflect, both about yourself, and about what's going on around you. Getting your thoughts and feelings down on paper brings clarity and new insights. Whether you're going through a work-related change, a relationship or family change, physical changes due to an injury, or even just the routine changes that come with getting older, the following five journaling prompts will guide you in sorting through everything that's going on. You'll come away with a fresh perspective, a renewed sense of calm, and a greater ability to cope.
Prompt: What are the best parts of your life right now? Why it's effective: as you make your way through a time of transition, it's easy to become hyper-focused on the disorientation and uncertainty you're experiencing. Journaling about the things that are going well in your life offers reassurance. It provides a much-needed reminder that there are other areas in your life that are stable and secure. Prompt: Who has had a positive impact in your life over the past six months, and how so? Why it's effective: we often take the people in our lives for granted, especially those that are closest to us. Journaling allows you to reflect on how the special people around you have contributed to making your life richer and fuller. This naturally evokes feelings of gratitude, which puts you in a healthy frame of mind. And a healthy mindset makes it easier to deal with everything else you have going on. Prompt: What are the areas in your life where you're experiencing tension, conflict, confusion, or a lack of fulfillment? Why it's effective: it's easy to brush aside those little (or big) twinges you feel deep down when something isn't quite right. Journaling isn't about trying to solve everything in one sitting. In most cases, that isn't realistic, and would only add to the pressure you're already under. Instead, you're simply aiming to be honest with yourself. By writing things out, you can start to recognize the areas in your life that you're not comfortable with. You can identify things that aren't a good fit for you at this time. As you gain clarity about what's taking place and the resulting impact, you can begin to explore options for turning things around. Prompt: Where is there an area in your life where you would benefit from doing/giving/investing more? Why it's effective: when you take action in your life, you set the wheels in motion for a chain reaction to occur. This is why any change, even small ones, can have far-reaching effects. This journaling prompt offers an opportunity to pinpoint and clarify where you want to take action in your life. Thinking along these lines fosters a mindset that is open and receptive to possibilities; and serves as a powerful reminder that you're in the driver's seat of your life. This is valuable during times of transition, when it's so tempting to feel out of control. Prompt: What is something you would like to see happen over the next three to six months? Why it's effective: if you don't know where you're going, you're likely to wind up somewhere else. This is especially true during times of transition, when your sense of direction is thrown off and immediate challenges are distracting you from the bigger picture. Reflecting on what you would like to see happen requires that you take a step back and refocus. It also takes you out of the present moment, so you can regain a clear, big-picture perspective. As you write about what you want the upcoming months to look like, you'll begin to restore your sense of direction. This, in turn, transforms the transition you're moving through. Instead of being all-consuming, it's merely a temporary stage you're passing through as you go forward on your journey. Conclusion: Dealing with times of transition can be difficult when you're right in the thick of things. With the clarity and insight that journaling brings, you'll find yourself feeling more grounded, clear-minded, and better able to cope as you push through all the challenges. For more journaling support, check out these free journaling guides. Learn more about journaling your way to better health and well-being. Get 5 powerful journaling prompts to get in touch with your authentic self. Going through an especially difficult time? Refocus and regain your footing with the special workbook Overcoming: You're Stronger Than You Think. Image Credit: congerdesign from Pixabay Comments are closed.