You drag your feet. You procrastinate. Perhaps you have a big job to complete and you feel overwhelmed, unsure of how to get started. Perhaps you have an unpleasant task before you and you would simply rather not deal with it. Then there are those times when the task you're facing is neither all that big, nor particularly difficult or unpleasant. Nevertheless, you still find yourself putting it off day after day. When it comes to improving your health and well-being, it doesn't matter what your starting place is; there's always something you can do to get yourself moving in the right direction. And those initial steps you take don't need to be extreme or overwhelming. In fact, it's better to start off with small, manageable changes. As you follow through with taking small steps consistently, you'll see and feel the effects both physically and mentally. Over time, these healthy behaviours will solidify into long term habits that become second nature to you. Here are five small changes you can make that will yield big results for your physical health and mental well-being. |