A bad situation can show up just about anywhere, and it can be just about anything. A job that has you living from paycheque to paycheque. A leak under the kitchen sink. A friendship that makes you feel drained or discouraged. The list of potential situations is endless. You can’t always prevent a bad situation from arising. But once you're in it, what happens next? Maybe you’re confused or overwhelmed. Maybe you're unclear about what to do. Or perhaps you’re completely clear on what to do, but you're hesitating due to the cost, difficulty, or inconvenience.
There’s a common misconception that being assertive means being loud, brash, and aggressive. In other words, the type of person who blows through a room like a hurricane and leaves a trail of destruction behind. In reality, that’s not what assertiveness is at all. Assertive behaviour isn’t about being aggressive or overbearing. Nor is it about trampling over other people and dismissing their needs. From online shopping to house-cleaning shortcuts, it seems everyone is looking for ways to save time. The irony is that “time saved” has a funny way of morphing into rushing, as you squeeze more activities into your day and rush from one thing to another. Constantly operating in rush mode may be widespread and commonplace, but that doesn’t mean rushing is healthy. There are all kinds of pitfalls to living life in a constant rush; listed below are five of those pitfalls. In a perfect world, you would never need to make decisions under pressure; you would always have ideal decision-making conditions. You would have ample time to gather information, weigh your options, and think things through. But the reality is that you don’t live in a perfect world. That means you're not always operating with those ideal decision-making conditions. As life situations come at you, there are times when the pressure is cranked up, and you have no choice but to make a quick decision. Here are five practical tips to help you make better decisions under pressure. |