From morning till night, you have a lot going on. To keep up with everything, you need to manage your time and maximize your energy. That means avoiding all those bad habits that are guaranteed to waste your time and drain your energy. The following five habits are easy to fall into, especially when you’re busier than usual. But they’re not helpful. These habits distract you from the things you really should be focused on. When the pressure is on to get things done, you’ll want to protect your time and your energy by steering clear of these habits and behaviour patterns.
From minor issues to major obstacles, problems are part of life. And when you find yourself facing a problem you’re struggling to solve, it can lead to stress and frustration, distracting you from other areas that need your full attention. No matter what you do, you’ll never be able to get away from problems entirely. That’s why problem-skills are so important. Having a solid set of problem-solving skills under your belt allows you to face problems with confidence. You can stay calm, assess the situation, and plan your next steps. Here are five effective ways to boost your problem-solving skills. Toddlers have an insatiable curiosity. They’re constantly climbing up, poking around, and getting into things as they explore the world around them. Their daily experience is one of continual discoveries, making life an adventure. As we get older, we gradually attach ourselves to certain ways of being and moving through the world. Eventually, we settle into a routine, and curiosity often takes a back seat along the way. With this loss of curiosity, we cut ourselves off from countless experiences, adventures, and discoveries that would contribute to a richer, fuller life. Have you lost your sense of curiosity? Here are five ways to approach life with a more curious mindset. Has complacency crept into your life? It has a way of slipping in gradually and going unnoticed. That is, until you face the consequences. Bit by bit, a situation you're in that was merely less than ideal at first escalates, until you're facing conditions that are far worse and much more difficult to handle. Complacency can take root in anyone’s life, whether it’s in the area of work, relationships, health, or somewhere else. Struggling with complacency doesn’t mean you’re lazy or deficient in some way. Once you get acclimatized to circumstances, it’s natural to want to leave things as they are, even when those circumstances aren't serving your best interests. Everyone wants to experience health and happiness in life. And while there are many approaches for getting there, a common thread is always present: a solid foundation is essential. When you invest in the right foundational steps, you reap the benefits. The following seven steps will provide you with a solid foundation for becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself, by showing you how to take care of yourself inside and out. There's nothing extreme; you can work every one of these steps into your life no matter what your starting place is. So go ahead and start taking steps to become a healthier, happier you. |