As we enter the new year and plan for the months ahead, what are you committed to? This is a great question to ask yourself at the start of the year, because whatever you are committed to will serve as the foundation for the choices you make and the goals you choose to pursue. Therefore, whatever you are committed to, along with your level of commitment, is going to have a major impact on the outcomes you achieve in the year ahead. A Powerful Force Continually Running in the Background Your underlying commitment serves as a powerful force continually running in the background, influencing the trajectory of your life. For example, are you committed to ease and comfort? If so, that's going to impact your capacity to endure difficulties when they arise. It will impact your willingness to face uncomfortable truths about yourself, your life, and your relationships. And of course, it will influence your willingness to make sacrifices and trade-offs when you have difficult choices to make. Are you committed to winning every argument and always being right? That's going to have an impact both on how you engage with people, and how willing people are to engage with you. Opening Up and Expansion of Opportunities The above examples show how whatever you're committed to can wind up having a constraining effect on your life. However, you can choose to commit yourself to that which leads to an opening up and expansion of opportunities in your life. Are you committed to truth and honesty, starting with yourself? Are you committed to learning and growing, even if it means admitting you may be wrong about some things? Are you committed to living in accordance with your core values? Are you committed to holding on to hope, even when it isn't quite clear how everything is going to come together? Are you committed to looking for the silver lining when the sky is filled with clouds? Are you committed to encouraging others, appreciating others, and looking for the best in others? Are you committed to building others up whenever you can, instead of constantly criticizing and tearing others down? Rather than constraining, restricting, and shutting things down, commitments such as these lead to openness, growth, and expansion; while laying the groundwork for healthy connections and opportunities. "Plugged-In" on a Spiritual Level These are also the kinds of commitments that seem to get you "plugged-in" to something on a spiritual level. You're able to move with confidence, because you're operating from a place of conviction, with clean hands and a clear conscience. You find yourself attracting like-minded people into your life, and it often appears as if they've been "sent" to you at just the right time. Doors start to open in unexpected places; opportunities start to materialize in unexpected ways. You start to get the sense that something powerful is at work, supporting and blessing your efforts. Takeaway: as we reflect on the past year and look to the year ahead, consider taking a moment to think about what you are committed to. While there are many things in life that you cannot control, it's exciting and encouraging to know that you have full control over what you choose to be committed to. Regardless of what you may have been committed to yesterday, you have the freedom to reassess things and commit to something entirely different today. And when you commit to attitudes, behaviours, values, and virtues that are healthy and nourishing, you pave the way for healthy, nourishing outcomes in your life! Image Credit: Hà Phạm from Pixabay Comments are closed.