![]() Spring is a time filled with beauty and wonder, as we witness nature renewing itself all around us, Longer, brighter days combined with warmer temperatures have an invigorating effect, nudging the winter doldrums away. As you take steps to refresh your home with some decluttering and a deep clean, it's the perfect time to refresh your body as well. Winter can take a toll on your health and well-being. The cold, dark winter months can take a toll on your health and well-being in numerous ways:
A spring refresh is just what you need to feel lighter, brighter, and more energetic. Small changes yield big results. While spring is a great time of year for doing an extended water fast or a major diet overhaul, the changes you make don't have to be that drastic. Small changes can yield big results, and any steps you take will have an impact. For example, try replacing your afternoon muffin or snack with your favourite fruit instead. You'll get the same energy boost without the crash afterwards, and you'll benefit from the added nutrients and fibre that fruit provides. Or, if you're constantly reaching for coffee or soft drinks throughout the day, try having a glass of water with some lemon juice added instead. You'll feel more awake and alert instantly from the tangy kick that the lemon juice provides, plus you'll benefit from its cleansing effects on the body. ![]() Improve your health and lose weight. As we shed our warm winter coats and pack our bulky wool sweaters away, it becomes harder to ignore weight we may have gained over the winter months. Even if it's just a few extra pounds, it can leave you feeling heavy and uncomfortable. The following steps will help you get on top of things quickly, so you can get back to your ideal weight, and you'll improve your health in the process:
Swapping out common food staples with more wholesome, less processed versions will also contribute to weight loss. For instance, replace white bread with whole grain options, and replace white rice with brown rice. Another great swap: replace your usual sweetened breakfast cereal with natural, whole grain oats. Along with the health benefits, the increased fibre will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period, so you won't need to reach for a mid-morning snack ![]() Break out of unwanted eating habits and patterns. The winter months typically lead to more time spent indoors, and many people find themselves eating out of habit or due to boredom. This is especially the case with evening or late-night eating. You had a satisfying dinner, so you're not really hungry, but you go ahead and have a snack because it's become a nightly routine. To break out of these habits and patterns, focus on replacing them with something more aligned with what you really want. If you tend to reach for a snack every evening around the same time, break the pattern by planning how you'll occupy yourself with something else during that time. You might attend an evening class, catch up on some reading, exercise, or head out for a walk. Once your new routine has you otherwise occupied, you won't be reaching for food out of habit or boredom. On top of that, you'll benefit from keeping yourself engaged and active with something new. Conclusion: just as a spring cleaning for your home takes some time and effort, so does a spring refresh for your body. But in both cases, the end result is worth it: you feel better, you find it easier to focus, and you're able to function more effectively. Image Credits: Jill Wellington from Pixabay Comments are closed.