![]() Ready to set some New Year’s resolutions? Before diving into the specifics for all the goals you want to achieve, step back and take a high-level look at the year ahead. What kind of year are you anticipating? Taking a big picture view of the year ahead provides valuable context to help you prioritize as you develop your goals. That clear, big picture view also gives you something to hold onto throughout the year, regardless of how things unfold. If you run into unexpected challenges or get thrown off course, having the big picture in mind allows you to assess the situation and correct course accordingly, while you remain headed in the right direction.
What does a big picture view of the year look like? There are countless possibilities; here are a few to consider. A Year of Persevering We’ve all had those years where we feel as if we’re drowning and struggling to stay afloat. Maybe you’ve been thrust into the role of caregiver for a loved one, or you’re facing a personal crisis of some sort. Maybe you’re dealing with the breakdown of a relationship or the death of someone close to you, and you feel like your world has been turned upside down. These are years where perseverance becomes a top priority. You fight to hold on and get through, without falling apart in the process. Take things one day at a time to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Celebrate simple joys and little victories wherever you find them. And draw close to people you know you can trust to support you when you’re struggling. A Year of Exploring What happens when you’re not quite sure where about where you’re headed or what you want to do? It’s time to explore! In practical terms, this means trying new things and opening yourself up to new possibilities. It’s part action and part attitude, with each feeding into and supporting the other. Regardless of how things unfold, you’ll expand your horizons and grow as a person. And while it might not be entirely clear at the time, you'll be positioning yourself to take hold of future opportunities. A Year of Transitioning Even when you’re clear on what you want and where you want to get to, the execution isn’t necessarily quick or easy. And there are times when it seems forces beyond our control have conspired to move us from point A to point B, regardless of how much we kick, scream, and thrash about in response. A year of transitioning can be exciting. It can also be frightening, disorienting, and challenging. If you're finding it difficult, resisting will only make it worse. You can’t simultaneously hold onto the past while trying to build in the present, as something’s bound to give out under the strain. Instead, be willing to let go of the past (admittedly far easier said than done.) Lean in and embrace the change, even when it's uncomfortable and you’re nervous about all the unknowns. You’ll be rewarded when you make it through, as the transition itself will be transformative. A Year of Flourishing Are you at a place in life where the pieces are coming together and everything is falling into place? Do you have just the right balance of peace, stability, novelty, and excitement in your life to leave you feeling energized and fulfilled? Are you coming out of a dark period and now everything seems wonderfully bright and cheery? This is what a year of flourishing looks like. Enjoy it! Savour all the wonderful moments you experience from day to day. Keep a journal and write about all the good things that happen, including all the little things, so you can go back and be reminded of them in future. Take photos to capture cherished memories of special people and events. Recognize the special period you’re in. Make the most of every minute, and make the most of that powerful energy flowing through you and around you by giving to others when and where you can. Tip: this approach can also help you gain perspective and insight when you’re looking back on past years.
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