Successfully achieving a personal goal can be life changing. Along with the fulfillment that comes from accomplishing whatever it is you set out to do, you also gain confidence as you overcome obstacles and discover what you’re capable of. Armed with this new-found or increased confidence, you’re ready to pursue new opportunities you might never have envisioned for yourself previously. With so much to gain, what stops people from going after their goals? Fear of failure, fear of looking foolish. While fear of failure prevents many people from pursuing their goals, the situation is often more nuanced. Stepping into unfamiliar territory brings the risk of stumbling, perhaps even falling down a few times. In addition to the fear of failure, there can also be a fear of looking foolish. It feels safer to stick with what's familiar, trying to avoid the risk of anything going wrong. How do you overcome this, so you can enjoy the experience of successfully achieving your goals? How do you get past the fear standing between you and your goals? Recognize that even the pros stumble and fall down. The fastest sprinter loses a race at some point. A top sports team on a winning streak will eventually lose a game. And that’s only what the public sees. What do those athletes look like behind the scenes? They don’t start off being the best in their field; they get there over time, with a lot of training. Training that includes learning new skills, making mistakes, falling down, getting back up, correcting course and then continuing on. Be it sports, business, or the arts, the pros have stumbled and fallen down many times, but this didn't stop them. They weren’t held back by the fear of failing or looking foolish, because they understood those stumbles and falls were a normal, natural part of the process. Whether due to temperament, upbringing, or a host of other factors, it may be your tendency to think nothing but perfection will do — no missteps or mistakes allowed! If so, it’s time to change your thinking. Reframe things by recognizing that it’s okay to stumble and fall as you go forward. It’s completely normal for everyone, even the pros. Alleviate anxiety about the future by focusing on action you can take now. What if you have a five-year plan to get out of debt and it doesn’t happen? What if you’re trying to lose 50 pounds and you don’t lose it all? What if you commit to writing your first novel and you don’t finish it? Worrying about the future in this way can lead to fear and anxiety, stopping you in your tracks before you’ve even started. Many goals require a detailed sequence of steps over time, so long-term planning makes sense. With that said, becoming overly focused on the future can be overwhelming. Go ahead and set those long-term targets, but focus on action you’re capable of taking right now. For example, for the long-term goal of:
As you focus on what you’re able to do now, you’ll be occupied with the actions you’re currently taking. Being immersed in the present like this is one of the best ways to alleviate fear and anxiety about the future. In addition, taking immediate action will enable you to get some early wins under your belt. These early wins, even if small, are meaningful, as they’ll increase your confidence and strengthen your sense of self-efficacy. Enlist support to provide perspective, objectivity and encouragement when you need it. Ultimately, the commitment and motivation to pursue your goals needs to come from you. However, having someone in your corner who believes in you can make a huge difference, helping you cultivate the right kind of mindset that sets you up for success. When you’re blowing things out of proportion, it helps to have someone who can help you gain perspective. When you feel like a minor misstep is the end of the world, it helps to have someone who can help you look at things objectively. And when you feel discouraged and terrible about yourself, it helps to have someone who can empathize, offer encouragement, and build you up. Remember those pros who aren’t afraid to stumble and fall sometimes? They also know the value of a good trainer, coach, mentor, or friend to offer support. They won't hesitate to tell you they would not have made it as far as they did, were it not for the support they received along the way. Don’t try to go it alone. Whether it’s encouragement, accountability, or practical guidance and input, seek out support from sources that are capable of providing it. Getting the support you need will help you push through your fears and stay on track. Learn more about how to lay the right foundation to achieve all your goals. Image Credits: zanna-76 from Pixabay Comments are closed.