You receive an encouraging call or message from out of the blue. A door suddenly opens, or an opportunity unfolds. A windfall lands in your lap at just the right time to get you out of a jam. Multiple pieces come together and fall into place perfectly. To someone else looking on, the event that occurs may appear small, perhaps even meaningless. But to you, it's quite meaningful. It puts a smile not just on your face, but on your heart, too. You sense that the stars have aligned in your favour, and it fills you with wonder, joy, peace and confidence. An Air of Mystery; Something Otherworldly We appreciate these unexpected surprises not just because they're pleasant. When we are blessed with a surprise that arrives in a manner we were not anticipating (and perhaps could not have even imagined), it carries an air of mystery with it; it speaks to something otherworldly, Is there a formula for making these pleasant, unexpected surprises show up in your life more often? It may sound like an odd question at first. After all, if it's a surprise and it's unexpected, how can you make it happen on cue? Take a closer look… Consistent Patterns If you reflect on some of these events in your life, you will likely see consistent patterns. What frame of mind do you tend to be in when these surprise events occur? How would you describe your overall mindset, attitude, and behaviour? You will likely find that these pleasant, unexpected surprises often occur during times when you:
Life is Interactive Life is interactive; as we interact with life, the scenery changes and the landscape evolves. This requires active engagement from us, while at the same time leaving room for everything—including those unexpected surprises—to unfold. Where is the balance between actively engaging vs. leaving room, and how exactly do you achieve it? Reflecting on your own past experiences will provide insight into how this plays out for you personally, and that's how you find your own unique formula for paving the way for pleasant, unexpected surprises in your life! Image Credit: Pezibear from Pixabay Comments are closed.