“A particular train of thought persisted in, whether it is good or bad, cannot fail to produce its results on the character and circumstances. We cannot directly choose our circumstances, but we can choose our thoughts and so, indirectly yet surely, shape our circumstances.” From James Allen's, As a Man Thinketh Allen's words echo a sentiment that has been expressed for millennia in ancient texts around the world: our thoughts have an effect in our lives. Always remember that you are the "conductor" of the train of thought running in your head, and you have the power to change direction at any time. Think about your ultimate destination. Are you striving to be more confident? More loving? More giving? More hopeful and optimistic? How well do your current thoughts align with that destination?
If you don't like the state of your current thoughts and where they are taking you, you can choose and embrace a new thought that is more in line with your ultimate destination. Imagination vs. Reality and Your Brain A wonderful feature of the human brain is that it does not distinguish between what is imagined vs. what is real. Therefore, as you focus on a thought vividly, your brain processes it as if it were real. As a result, your feelings and aspects of your physiology respond accordingly. With thoughts and feelings aligned and headed in the direction you want to go in, it becomes much easier for your behaviour to follow. And a change in behaviour will inevitably lead to a change in outcomes. There may be things you want to do which, realistically, can't be done just yet. There may be obstacles and practical challenges in your way, or resources that you lack. There may be areas in your life where you don't have as much control as you would like. No matter what you may be facing, it's exciting and empowering to know there's one place where you always retain a measure of control, and that is in your ability to choose your thoughts. Comments are closed.