![]() As life gets busy and we get caught up in our routine, it's easy to ignore those things in our life that we know aren't quite right. We immerse ourselves in our daily tasks, but those unresolved issues are there in the background, dragging us down and draining our energy. Here are 5 things dragging you down that you need to deal with. 1. Bad habits that you feel badly about. We all have things we know we could work on, change, or improve, many of which get put on the back burner while we attend to our daily lives. That kind of prioritization is actually a good thing, as it helps you to focus and maintain a healthy balance in your life. But then there are the things that you know are detracting from your quality of life. These are the bad habits that you feel badly about. Once you reach a point where you're feeling badly about a habit, it's time to deal with it. Doing so will improve your quality of life and leave you feeling better about yourself. 2. False beliefs about yourself that have no basis in reality. We all have baggage that we're carrying around with us. It could be from childhood, a past relationship, a bad work experience, or any number of sources. When this baggage takes the form of false negative beliefs about yourself, it can totally skew your self-image and rob you of your confidence. This is where a bit of self-reflection can be of enormous value and benefit. Where are your beliefs coming from? Is there really any evidence for them, or are you being dragged down by beliefs that have no basis in reality? Letting go of those false beliefs will lift a weight from your shoulders, and allow you to blossom as your best self. 3. Unhealthy relationship dynamics that are dragging you down. Whether it's a friend, family member, romantic partner, or colleague, unhealthy relationship dynamics can take a major toll on your emotional health and well-being. Letting go of the entire relationship might not be feasible or desirable. However, you can do something about the dynamics within the relationship, by facing things head-on and setting some new standards. For example, in an intimate relationship, you might want to have an open and honest conversation about what's going on and what you would like to see change. With a friend who gossips, is argumentative, or is a chronic complainer, it might be enough to change the subject as soon as you sense it starting to go astray, so there's no opportunity for the conversation to spiral downwards. ![]() 4. Regret over things that can't be changed or undone. A fundamental part of living and learning is making mistakes along the way. Some of these mistakes will be minor, some will be major, and some might have lasting consequences. Whatever the impact of our mistakes, the bottom line is: the past cannot be undone. Successful people aren't blind to their past mistakes, nor do they try to sweep them under the rug. But they don't allow themselves to be consumed by regret, either. They take responsibility for their missteps, learn from them, and commit to doing better in future. This is how you take something negative and turning it into something positive. 5. Procrastination. We've all been there. You have something you know you need to do, and you keep putting it off. Outwardly, you get busy attending to other things. But the issue you're ignoring is still there in the back of your mind, nagging at you constantly. This preoccupation can even wind up taking away from whatever you're actively doing, detracting from your ability to enjoy the present moment. If there's something you're putting off, come up with a concrete plan to deal with it. If at all possible, schedule it for a time when you know you'll be fresh and well-rested. If it's a large task, breaking it up into smaller chunks and focus on completing the first chunk. That will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to follow through with the rest. When you start to let go of the things that are dragging you down, you'll find yourself feeling noticeably lighter emotionally and spiritually, and you'll make room for new and better things in your life. Comments are closed.