Most people are aware of the placebo effect. It's when a treatment with no medicinal value results in healing due to the patient's belief, trust, and confidence in that treatment. Fewer people are familiar with the corresponding nocebo effect, although it's arguably far more important. The nocebo effect occurs when someone's negative expectations lead to harmful, undesirable, or adverse effects on their health. For example, a patient is told they only have three months to live, and their belief in this as an undeniable and inescapable truth brings it about. It's important to recognize how powerful the nocebo effect can be. There are documented cases where a misdiagnosis has caused someone's health to decline rapidly, even to the point of death. Even though the individual did not have a sever health condition, their belief that they did led to detrimental (and in some cases fatal) outcomes. We truly need to guard against unwarranted negative beliefs that compromise our health and well-being. Here are some areas to watch out for, where the nocebo effect can crop up through negative language and interactions.